Sunday, September 14, 2014
We've been home now for more than three months, which is long enough to be able to reflect on the simple (and serious!) pleasures of being home after five years abroad. Below, a list:
- Spending time in Seattle's wonderful public libraries. After five years with a kid--and without public libraries around--I will never take them for granted again.
- Being back at the wonderful Odessa Brown Children's Clinic: great staff and doctors only BLOCKS away!
- Being able to drink water from the tap!
- Seattle's parks! Five years without a single decent public park was hard...
- Jogging--in shorts! (Mongolia was too cold, and Jordan was too conservative)
- Walking my kid to school!
- Being allowed to TALK to my kid's teacher (it was forbidden at A's school in Jordan)
- A decent grocery store only 5 minutes away...
Yes, we had a great adventure AND it's great to be home...