Tuesday, December 29, 2020
Friday, December 25, 2020
JIT Christmas baking
Got started really late on the Christmas baking: Christmas Day, in fact. But at least I had time and energy to deliver Christmas breads to our neighbors on the day-of. Some traditions survive!
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Christmas Eve happiness
And then, despite it ALL, my godmother arrived on our doorstep with my FAVORITE gingerbread cookies. Thank you, S!
Friday, December 18, 2020
Gingerbread 2020
Well, there's not MUCH room for Christmas gatherings this year, but at least we did our annual gingerbread. A decided to go for a 2-dimensional (Rusheen!) gingerbread house this year which, in a way, is a perfect metaphor for this year: 2-dimensional.
(Did I mention we love red hots around here?)
Sunday, December 13, 2020
Lussekatter (but I call them Luciakatter)
Tried my hand (again) at lussekatter today. St. Lucia arrives again, and boy, is it dark out there...
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
This bowl, this spoon
This morning as I began baking, I found myself thinking about being in Mongolia in the fall of 2009. Eleven years ago we were well into that first really hard winter. I brought very few cooking utensils with us to Mongolia, but this bowl and this spoon made the cut. They served us for three years in Mongolia and two years in Jordan and now another six years in Seattle. And it's still the only mixing bowl and wooden spoon I use.
The baking turned out well, though: calzones for the family (minus me) skiing trip to Crystal Mountain!