October 20, 2005
But rabbits don't live forever, you know, so we were prepared for the worst on this trip. Frank was overjoyed, then, to get an e-mail from the hotel staff informing us that "Labou is still with us." (Did I forget to mention that Labou lives in the lobby of the Avropa Hotel in downtown Istanbul?) There are a number of downsides to this particular hotel (it's a bit noisy, there are Ukrainian "dancers" living there--but that's another story--and then there is Casper, the evil carrot-stealing dog) but, rest assured, that Labou's presence more than makes up for it all. Pictures of this wonderful (and ancient--he's 6 years-old) beast are attached for your viewing pleasure.
Tomorrow we leave for the Coast and all the ruins of Ephesus, Pergamon, and more. Frank's favorite stuff (besides rabbits): ruins!