Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Great balls of fire

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Frank continues to train (bravely, I think) for UB's first marathon/half marathon which takes place in just under a month. This week alone there were three events of note: on a long run out west of the city he rounded the mountain and into a huge dust storm. Flying grit sent him back in direction of the protection of the mountain. The next day, he got caught up a nylon loop of some kind that is used to package building materials. Down to the ground before he knew what was happening, but fortunately NOT in a place with shattered vodka bottles that often litter the ground. Today, however, it was great balls of fire. As he ran along toward the river just south of our apartment he looked up to see the high voltage electrical lines shorting out. He said the huge ball of fire he saw hurt his eyes to look at. It's certainly an adventure!