Saturday, June 5, 2010

UB Marathon

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Saturday, June 5, 2010

This afternoon Frank finished the First Annual Ulaanbaatar Marathon. He was pleased with his finishing time (4 hours, 44 minutes), but he reports that the two best parts of the race were 1) running out into the countryside and looking back on the tiny dot that was UB and 2) running down the middle of Peace Avenue on his way to the finish line in Sükhbaatar Square.

I don't think I have commented too much on the state of UB's traffic, but it is horrendous--both in terms of the craziness of the driving and the huge traffic jams that form in parts of the city. Running down the middle of one of UB's main avenues (as opposed to sprinting fearfully across them) is a pleasure that few of us will ever get to enjoy...

At the finish line in Sükhbaatar Square