Saturday, December 28, 2019

The road to San Ignacio

San Ignacio, Belize

Yesterday we made the decision to rent a car for the rest of our trip. This morning we boarded the public (well, privately owned) bus at 7:50am in the tiny town of Bermudian Landing and rode it into Ladyville. Now I know where old U.S. school buses go to retire: Belize! On the outside they are painted in happy colors and named things like "Shaw's Bus," but inside they have the same fake brown seat covers as you'll find anywhere in the U.S. And some of those vehicles are OLD...

After dropping us off at Sky City Market, Frank jogged out to the airport and rented a somewhat beat up suburban and came back to get us. The drive to San Ignacio was thankfully uneventful--mostly flat and not too much vegetation. And I sure loved the tree that A captured in this photo...