Friday, May 8, 2020

Notes on the Northern Loop

Seattle, Washington

Friday late afternoon and another "work from home" week ends. A beautiful, warm afternoon; to the north! I ride up to the north end of Lake Washington and head east and then south again up, up, up Juanita Hill. Normally I would never do this route on a Friday afternoon, but traffic is still lighter than usual. Still, I hate the cars whooshing by as I head DOWN Juanita Hill. Just as I get ready to head onto the 520 bridge, I see three gentlemen coming at me in matching spandex. "Mongolia" their jerseys read. I am so surprised I can't produce even a word of Mongolian before they are gone.

Crossing the lake on SR 520, I start to slow down, but the sight of Mt. Rainier is stupendous. What a gorgeous, gorgeous evening to be out and riding!

33.2 miles