Thursday, August 20, 2009

Construction Zone

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Did I mention that we live in a construction zone? Yes, there are some downsides to this (primarily the dust), but it has also been quite fascinating as well--especially for our two year-old--

One of the interesting aspects of all this construction is the workers themselves. According to a new acquaintance of ours, it is Mongolian women and not men that often frequent construction sites. In fact, women often manage the construction sites as well.

Who, then, are the men one sees on many of the construction sites around the city? Chinese laborers.

And here you have it: look closely and you'll see a Mongolian woman "manning" the cement mixer and Chinese workers bringing the cement to and fro.

Oh, and the work goes on around the clock--it has to: once winter comes there will be no more construction until spring...