Saturday, February 6, 2010

I gotta get out more

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Sometimes I think Frank and I just don't get out enough. In fact, I felt that way even before A was born, but now it's more true than ever. I feel that way especially when I see a new gadget that I didn't even know existed. It's a bit better these days because now I work in a school where I get exposed to all that's "new and hip," courtesy of the students.

Anyhow, our tea kettle died about two weeks ago, and I've been trying to find something to replace it. At our hotel this morning (2 hours outside of UB) we finally got the electric tea kettle plugged in to make some tea. And that's when we got our big surprise: when switched on, the kettle glowed a brilliant red. While we were both laughing hysterically at this (like I said, we don't get out much), I joked that the thing would probably turn blue when the water was hot.

And then it did.

We both felt like country bumpkins who'd just seen the big city lights for the first time.