Saturday, February 6, 2010

Mongolian Secret History (revealed)

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Although it seems a rather odd name for a hotel/resort, the Mongolian Secret History camp is a really lovely place. And named for one of the most famous Mongolian versions of the doings of Genghis Khan: The Secret History of the Mongols. This place lies about a 2-hour drive northwest of Ulaanbaatar and, blissfully, the road there is a paved one.

The resort consists of a fantastically lovely lodge--and wooden gers to stay in as well. The surrounding countryside is incredibly beautiful. I'd surely love to go back in the summer. This morning as I was out walking, a large white hare hopped by. And there were lovely birch trees everywhere, too. I'd almost forgotten what trees look like.