Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Train Museum (not)

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Wonderful warm weather (38°F/3°C!) this afternoon put me in the mood for an outing. After A's nap, we set out to see the train museum which lies several km from our apartment. Somehow I had this idea that we needed to hurry in case it closed early. Yes, it's an outdoor museum -- and it even has a big sign on the outside that reads "museum" -- but I figured it might close at some point anyhow.

When we arrived by taxi, we walked down to one end of the park--and then back to the other--in search of a gate, a kiosk, or something to demarcate the entrance. Finally we found what appeared to be a gate--complete with a rusted padlock. And then it occurs to us: this place hasn't been "open" in years.

A wails, "I want to see the trains."

As you may know, A is a big fan of steam engines, particularly Thomas & Friends.

We consider jumping the fence, but then think better of the idea.

We decide to head home, with one sad two year-old on our hands.

Sometimes you just can't help but feeling like a bad parent.