Thursday, January 2, 2020

Moonglow: Read it!

Hopkins, Belize

I have always been a big reader, but I just haven't felt like reading for the past year or so. Truthfully, I've watched a lot of murder mysteries in the past year (mostly of the Midsommer Murders or Father Brown variety). This vacation in Belize was a chance to try reading again--without distractions or interruptions. I chose Moonglow by Michael Chabon because it's been on the bedside table for months casting me mildly reproachful glances--and because I still remember how much I LOVED The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay however many years ago I read it.

Vacation was just what I needed to really sink into this book--especially one as "confusing" as this one is in terms of how it unfolds. The space race, World War II, mental illness, and a great family drama all rolled into one convoluted, fascinating, and suspenseful story. It takes a while to figure out how to read this book, but if you hang in there long enough, you will marvel at the thing...5 stars!