Friday, January 3, 2020

The Belize Zoo: don't miss it!

Mile 29, Western Highway, Belize

In general I've pretty much had it with zoos. My daughter is older (though she still loves animals), so we don't "do" zoos much anymore. Before our drive back to Belize City someone recommended that we stop at the Zoo, but I was still highly skeptical. Then we read the guidebook and learned that all the Zoo's animals are native to Belize and that all its animals were either rescued animals, given to the zoo, or born in captivity to existing zoo animals. That sounded good to me--and rest of my family was enthusiastic. It's actually a really wonderful place with very natural settings for most of the animals. It's actually a challenge to see/find some of animals in their enclosures. Although we were only there about an hour, it was definitely worthwhile!

One word of warning, however: apply some mosquito repellent before entering or you will pay....