Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Bananas take third place

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Thursday, September 24, 2009

While waiting for Frank and A to arrive home this evening, I got a call from Frank. The big news? It seems that the Bananas took third place in today's "sports contest" at A's daycare.

Normally speaking, A is in the Mouse group at daycare. It seems that today was a special day, however. The Mice, Teddies and Elephants were divided into mixed-age teams: the Kiwis, Bananas, and Strawberries. These fruit-inspired teams competed in a variety of sports "contests" which included running around the room and several other activities which didn't quite translate.

It seems that A scored the Bananas' only point by tossing a ball into some kind of a box. See scoreboard at right.

A came home with a badge sewn to her shirt and a cookie with a "3" on it as a reward for her efforts.

I love this place.