Thursday, September 10, 2009

A tale of 20 boxes

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Thursday, September 10, 2009

This afternoon, another miracle occurred: our boxes, bruised, battered, and filthy as they were, arrived. All 20 of them!

Many of you have already been regaled with my attempts to ship our stuff to Mongolia. Suffice it to say that the first company we called said that they couldn't help us because they didn't ship via the Panama Canal. Mongolia, via the Panama Canal? The second company wanted over $3000. For 20 boxes?? The 3rd company won our business--but then required that we send our shipment from Seattle to the port at Long Beach, California via Chicago. Chicago?!?

But, two months later, the boxes have arrived: all of A's books & toys, winter clothes for us, a huge jar of peanut butter, all my spices, baking pans, a year's worth of vitamins, and a really random assortment of other stuff. More than enough to make us feel at home.