Thursday, February 6, 2020

Adventures in Carrefour


Today it was off to Carrefour for the second time in four days. We have got the lay of the land by now so today's adventure was quite a bit faster. 

Some highlights include the little blue doo hickey that one must carry around in ones wallet in order to free a shopping cart from the rack. But even more interesting (on the other end of the tech spectrum) are the price "tags" in the store—see image. 

Basically, I have a lot of questions: Can the prices change throughout the day? Are there dips or peaks in pricing at different times of the day? Is the pricing at all related to the number of boxes remaining of a certain item? Could these electronic price tags be hacked? 

Why such interest, you wonder. Perhaps it’s my math brain but ever since I’ve shopped for groceries, I’ve found myself memorizing the prices (though not in a conscious way) as I pick out my items. Time and time again, I find discrepancies between the posted price and what shows up on the receipt. Seeing those electronic price tags threw an element of my world into uncertainty: theoretically at least, the prices COULD change between when I memorize them and when I find myself reviewing the receipt. That would be a game changer—and not in a good way!