Saturday, February 8, 2020

Waiting for the bells

Civrac-en-Médoc, France

It's my last morning in Civrac, and as I lay in bed watching the sky begin to lighten, I realized that I was waiting for the bells. Every morning at 7:30am the church bells of Civrac go crazy. The sky grew lighter and lighter and yet, no bells. Finally, I checked my watch and it was 7:42. Then I remembered: the bells peal repeatedly at 7:30am every day--but NOT on Saturday and Sunday!

It's been a wonderful week here in the Médoc; this afternoon I zoom off to Paris and then home across the Atlantic. But I will miss those 7:30 bells--and the others that chime throughout the day. It's been a long time since I've been in such a quiet place. In fact, there's a way in which these bells remind me of the call to prayer in Jordan that would sound out across the quiet landscape of Madaba...