Saturday, November 28, 2009

Here comes Santa Claws

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Saturday, November 28, 2009

Those of you who have known us for a while know that each December heralds the arrival of Santa Rabbit in our household. This year, A is old enough to anticipate things, and she has also seen pictures of herself with Santa Rabbit. So, we have been awaiting the arrival of Santa Rabbit for some days. Everytime a train went by in the last week A would ask: "Santa Rabbit on a train?"

Last night was a particularly bad one for A's knee. At 3am we were all up wondering if we'd EVER get back to bed. And then another train went rumbling by. Suddenly, A perked up and asked, again, "Santa Rabbit on a train?"

Then and there I knew we wouldn't be waiting until December 1 to meet our old friend.

There was a knock on the door and when Frank carried A over to the door to open it, there stood Santa Rabbit clutching a tiny Mandarin orange. "Welcome home!" cried A.

A has not let go of him since.