Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Asian Hospital Tour (Stop #3)

Seoul, South Korea
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Having a child inevitably means there will be unexpected trips to the doctor--and occasionally, alas, to the hospital. Since leaving the States in August, A's "health adventures" have given us special insight into the healthcare challenges--and strengths--of three different Asian countries. Stop #1 was a two-day stay at the Maternity and Children’s hospital in Ulaanbaatar. Stop #2 was an overnight visit to Bumrungrad mega-hospital in Bangkok. And this morning, for a check-up, we visited Seoul National University Hospital, one of Korea's top hospitals.

Although I wouldn’t recommend it, hospital visits are certainly one way to the see the world. In any case, you sure learn a lot!

(The International Clinic at this hospital was extremely helpful. You can reach them via e-mail at: ihs at snuh.org)